Hi everyone, I'm Aiman ​​Yusuf and I'm a full stack web developer

Aiman Yusuf Wicaksono, a Fullstack Web Developer based in Semarang, Indonesia, brings a wealth of freelance experience. His expertise lies in crafting engaging user interfaces and implementing functional features.

Allow me to introduce myself and my background.

I go by Aiman Yusuf Wicaksono in full. I have around two years of expertise in the field of web development. PHP and JavaScript are programming languages that I am proficient in. In addition to my proficiency in programming, I also own a solid understanding of frameworks and libraries from both languages.

Aiman Yusuf Wicaksono

Fullstack Web Developer


Year experience


Project portfolio


Educational posts


Tech Stack

Portfolio My latest project

Several real projects that I created for my portfolio and also to convince clients of my abilities as a web developer.

No portfolio for a while

Blog Posts My latest post.

several posts that I made to fill the pages of this portfolio website.

Test 1

Test 1

erikut chord kunci gitar Aku Milikmu Iwan Fals : aku milikmu malam ini dan memelukmu sampai pagi... tapi nanti bila ku pergi, tunggu aku di sini...

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 Menghadapi Tantangan "Tech Winter" Bagi Para Programmer : Perspektif dan Saran

Menghadapi Tantangan "Tech Winter" Bagi Para Programmer : Perspektif dan Saran

Dunia teknologi informasi tidak jarang dikenal dengan dinamika yang tinggi, namun pada suatu titik, industri ini juga mengalami tantangan tersendiri. Salah satu fenomena yang terjadi adalah yang dikenal sebagai "Tech Winter" atau musim dingin teknologi.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

questions you might ask me.

How do you respond to uncertainty or changes in a project ?

How do you handle a busy schedule or working on multiple projects simultaneously ?

How do you communicate with clients and ensure that you meet their expectations ?

How do you handle complex projects or tasks that may not align with your main expertise ?

How do you manage your time and project deadlines as a freelancer ?